Hike, Wellness and overnight stay
12 people
Hike/ Wellness/ Nature stay
8 Pax max
10 Km Hike
Your Name* Email Address*
Phone Number Your Country
How would you describe yourself? We are...Solo TravellerCoupleFamilyGroup of friendsWork Colleagues / TeamSchool / College / UniversityAgency on behalf of a groupOthers
When do you want to travel?* click here to select an approximate trip departure date...
What kind of Outdoor Activities would make you say WOW? Walking / HikingBikingRock Climbing / Via FerrataRafting / Canoeing / KayakingHorseback RidingSky DivingSkiing / SnowboardingCross Country Skiing / SnowshoeingOther outdoor activities While traveling, what are you particularly interested in doing? Outdoor AdventureNature Hikes and Scenic ViewsWellness / Thermal Bath / SpaHistory & Local CultureCity and MuseumBeer / Wine tastingCzech Crystal tourShopping and Nightlife ExperienceMusic, Jam sessions, BBQYoga, Meditation, Plant Medicine
Group Size*
What will really make your holiday amazing?